How This Meal Replacement Shake Can Change Your Life Around

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How This Meal Replacement Shake Can Change Your Life Around

You’ve set resolutions to get on track with your health goals this year, but…life gets in the way and none of your resolutions seem to be starting off on the right footing. 

You end up resuming your routine of skipping breakfast and settling for unhealthy takeouts for lunch – only to find yourself feeling heavy, sluggish and lethargic throughout the day.

We get you, babe. Whether you’re looking to lose 10 pounds by the end of the year, kickstart healthy eating habits and achieve your goals, our Slim & Trim Shake has got you covered. 

Read on to find out everything you need to know about how this delicious, nutritious and convenient shake can change your life around.

What is Slim & Trim Shake? What does it do?

Slim & Trim Meal

Carefully formulated, our Slim & Trim Shake is one mean meal replacement intended to replace a full meal. 

Be it as a quick fix for breakfast or in place of an unhealthy takeout when you’re racing with time during the day, our shake is designed to take the stress out of healthy eating! 

Without compromising on taste, nutrition and (most importantly!) time, it’s a quick solution to reduce your overall calorie intake to lose weight.

What does it contain? Is it really healthy?

At just 220 calories per serving, it comprises 18g carbs, 21g protein and 7g of healthy fat packed with superfood ingredients and essential vitamins and minerals! This includes clean grass fed whey, turmeric extract, matcha leaf tea, coconut oil, vitamins B6, B12 and more! Check out the rest of the ingredients here.

Slim & Trim Cupcake

That’s not all, babe. Ready for the best part? It’s made of a unique, sweet and creamy cupcake flavour! 

Not only will this baby satisfy your hunger, it will also curb your sweet cravings (minus the cals, added sugar and nasties). Plus, it’s 100% vegetarian too!

With all that said, we’ll leave it up to you to decide if this shake is healthy or not.

Will it cause weight gain if taken without exercising?

Slim & Trim Without Exercise

As you probably already know, losing weight is all about burning more calories than you consume. While formulating this product, we designed it for busy bees like you who have absolutely no time to sweat it out in the gym. So, don’t sweat it! Unless you’re consuming this shake on top of a meal, taking this will certainly not bulk you up like a hulk.

Say you burn 1200 cals on a sedentary day. Taking 2 shakes for breakfast and lunch will only set you back by 440 cals by evening. Paired with a healthy dinner of approximately 300 – 400~ cals, it puts you in an overall calorie deficit for the day, which is key to weight loss!

Furthermore, as this shake is high in protein, it could help boost your metabolic rate by 80-100 cals per day while keeping you full & satisfied.

But of course, if you’re looking to reach your goals faster, adding a quick exercise routine would definitely maximise your results! Check out these quick exercises you can do at home.

When should I take it? And how should I take it?

The best time to take this shake is when you have absolutely no time! Simply mix 2 scoops of the shake into 450ml of water and you’ve got a complete meal ready for you to take on the go. Don’t worry about clumps and gritty texture, our Slim & Trim Shake has none of that.

Slim & Trim How To Take

It’s a perfect substitute for breakfast or lunch to conquer the day and feel energized. We recommend having it up to 2 times a day along with a balanced meal for dinner to nourish your body and get the best results.

If you want it a little more fancy, use unsweetened nut milk or add it into a smoothie instead! 

Slim & Trim Smoothie

Combining the nutrition from whole foods and the sweet taste of a cupcake, there’s nothing quite like our Slim & Trim Shake. Ready to change things up and kick start your weight loss goals?

Get your Slim & Trim Shake today here.

Written By: dev team

Edited By: dev team